Thursday, October 15, 2009

I know, I know, I know...

I know you are tired of seeing "Tears at Scripture Time." (That is if you even still check my blog for updates - If you are seeing this, thanks for not giving up on me.) It has been a crazy couple of months and I seem to have a hard time finding time to sit at the computer. However, since this is my only form of journaling, I suppose I should at least attempt to catch up once in a while.

Life here is good. We are just finishing soccer season, HOORAY! I always love it when soccer starts and I love it even more when it ends. It has been a good year. All three boys played on different teams and it has been a really positive experience. Jeffrey played U12 and even though he is more academic than athletic, he had fun. Jackson had a fabulous coach (Jeff) and they had a lot of fun. Kevin's coack is Brazilian and calls his the White-Brazilian-Goalie.

Seminary is good, it still consumes a huge part of our lives but we love it. The youth of this generation are amazing, they face temptations that I can't even imagine.

I am doing pretty good. I have been struggling a lot lately with my depression. But I feel like Heavely Father is really trying to teach me something and I know that I need to be patient and learn to depend on Him more.

I am missing the fall like crazy now. I want to see fall leaves and put on jeans and a sweatshirt. Instead, I will put on some shorts, turn on the fan, pray for a breeze and pretend that GREEN isn't driving me insane!

Jeff and I were able to go to the "Hoedown For Hope", a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, a few weeks ago. It was so much fun. That boy is H-O-T in a cowboy hat!